How to Compose a Job Posting

A well-written job posting is the first contact point between your company and potential candidates. It’s the first chance for your company to show your culture and values in a way that is appealing to the eye. A well-written job description will attract attention to the job and your company, which can lead to higher quality applications and interviews.

Besides describing the job and listing the required skills such as education, certifications and experience, as well as the preferred qualifications A great job description should include important information about your hiring process from beginning to the point of completion. This ensures that you and the applicants are on the same page in terms of what they can expect. It also helps to prevent ghosting, drop-offs, and a more efficient and fair hiring process.

Use a clear, direct language that is easy to understand for all kinds of people. Avoid jargon and cliches, which can be confusing or even repel potential applicants. Make use of job ads to promote your diversity initiatives. Make sure the language you use isn’t excluding any person.

Don’t forget to list key advantages and perks on your job announcements. If your company offers free lunches, a beautiful office with a view or offers flexible working hours it’s a good idea to mention these in your job descriptions as they can tip a candidate in your favor over a competitor. It’s also a good idea to mention any volunteering opportunities or community involvement your company is involved in as this is something prospective employees will look for when deciding which firm to join.

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